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Why castles?

Chateau d'Aigle, Switzerland, Vaud.

"It was a fortress of no great size, consisting of a donjon, or large and high square tower, surrounded by buildings of inferior height, which were encircled by an inner court-yard. Around the exterior wall was a deep moat, supplied with water from a neighbouring rivulet. Front-de-Boeuf, whose character placed him often at feud with his enemies, had made considerable additions to the strength of his castle, by building towers upon the outward wall, so as to flank it at every angle. The access, as usual in castles of the period, lay through an arched barbican, or outwork, which was terminated and defended by a small turret at each corner."
Sir Walter Scott "Ivanhoe".

"The Moat House stood not far from the rough forest road. Externally, it was a compact rectangle of red stone, flanked at each corner by a round tower, pierced for archery and battlemented at the top. Within, it enclosed a narrow court. The moat was perhaps twelve feet wide, crossed by a single drawbridge. It was supplied with water by a trench, leading to a forest pool and commanded, through its whole length, from the battlements of the two southern towers. Except that one or two tall and thick trees had been suffered to remain within half a bowshot of the walls, the house was in a good posture for defence."
Robert Louis Stevenson. "Black Arrow".
It is rather strange: they are constantly the most demanded tourist attraction. How many castles have you visited in your life? A hundreed - hardly. Rather, a dozen, maybe more. Were there particularly outstanding among them? Probably yes. But memory keeps at most one abstract image or picture from "Lord of the Rings" for example. Nevertheless, if only I have an opportunity to visit one more I will go without any hesitate.

Photos are clickable, main objects have links to the detailed resources (highlighted text)

Castle in the town of Gorizia, Italy, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (Castello di Gorizia)
Castello-di-Gorizia-3 Castello-di-Gorizia-1 Castello-di-Gorizia-2
Built approximately in XI century. Was damaged and restored many times. The last restoration, returning the original appearance, completed in 1937.

Castelmonte, Italy, Cividale, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia
Castel-Monte-General Castel-Monte-At-the-Entrance Castel-Monte-Tower-Tree Castel-Monte-Main-Tower
Castelmonte Sanctuary is the most ancient in Friuli and one of the first christian in the world. Dated approximately V century just after Efeso's Concilium in 431 There is one more smaller castle in Cividale - Castello Canussio. Have no chance to take photo - sorry.

Sirmione, Castello Scaligero in the town of Sirmione, Garda lake (Lago di Garda)
Sirmione  Sirmione-3 Sirmione-4 Sirmione-2Sirmione-5 Sirmione-7 

XIII century. Once served as a port of Verona Flotilla. Scaliger (it. della Scala) — noble family were Lords of Verona since 1262 till1387 - Verona is right nearby. There was a resort here even during the time of the Roman Republic and so far. Hot springs, thermal hotels, including two five-star. One of the most beautiful places at Garda.

It's not a castle at all but we had a remarkable overlooking the lake dinner there

Torri del Benaco.

Soccer field, apple trees behind the goal and fortification.

And from the lake

This is also at Garda lake. The castle belongs to the XIV century. Also was a part of the esteemed family Scaligero assets. It is possible to spend a wedding ceremony there - write me if anybody tries.

By the way, there is a place absolutely remarkable in all respects  - Bardolino. I believe they have really substantial reserve of it there. Anyway welcome. Remember that right bottiglia contains not less than ten liters of divine drink.


The residence of the Dukes of Savoy. The first mention dates back to 1160 year. The boldest version referred to the IX century. History is standard: castle - prison - museum. Located on Geneve Lake (Switzerland, Vaud). In the vicinity of Montreux. Convenient to visit also because of position right by the road.

 Chateau-de-Chillon-2 Chateau-de-Chillon-4Chateau-de-Chillon-3  Chateau-de-Chillon-5 Chateau-de-Chillon
Gruyeres is not only cheese, but also micro-postcard town, consisting of one square and the castle. To take a photo of the castle in full size did not happen - simply forgot. It should be done on the way (either there or back), otherwise no one lens could accommodate it. Thus fragments:
 Chateau-de-Gruyeres-2  Chateau-de-Gruyeres-4 Chateau-de-Gruyeres-5 Chateau-de-Gruyeres-3Chateau-de-Gruyeres-Windows

There is dairy as well but it's down the hill and quite up to date even robotic. I would not call it must-see destination visit. Although I love Gruyere cheese. And now our love has gained new dimensions and angles.
And a couple postcards of the town:
  Chateau-de-Gruyeres-7  Chateau-de-Gruyeres-8Chateau-de-Gruyeres-6

Canton is called Vaud. Chablais - Name of a larger region look at the Wikipedia link. Not to be confused with Chablis in Burgundy. You'll fail to choose right drinks without a bit geography.
 Chateau-de-Aigle-Fragment  Chateau-de-Aigle-General-Close Chateau-de-Aigle-General
Built in the XII century by the Dukes of Savoy. Since 1475 belongs to the government of Bern. A museum of wine and viticulture. Restaurant... Delicious... Mmm very delicious... Oh, and wine… Noway without it.

The list could go on.

Salzburg-Interior Oslo Salzburg-Gun

Obviously besides cosmic nature there is some romantic symbolism sending accurately to the most happy and easygoing years. They seemed to have passed, but hiding somewhere nearby. There are places and circumstances where realities fit together. And then it becomes so cozy, as if under grandma's blanket so you want to get under it quickly with legs and read some old adventure book.

Participating in My World


Ingrid написал(а)…
They were built to protect the population today they wouldn't help to protect anymore !
Al написал(а)…
Great shots of the castles. I remember seeing castles when I was growing up in Europe. But they simply don't exist where I live now.
Sergey написал(а)…
But still have the popularity instead of population
Sergey написал(а)…
Thank you, Al
the older ones have older mysteries
Анонимный написал(а)…
Lovely place and snaps
Sergey написал(а)…
thank you, Capturedalive

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Время есть

С утра в спешке. Будильник на десять минут подвинул, потом ещё, потом... А надо уже, а то не успеть... Надо на ту электричку. Со следующей если, шеф уже голову снимет. 

Утро - это ресурс

Лето. Выходной. Время до 7 утра, ну может быть до 7.30. Еще нет толпы, точнее, она едва начинает формироваться. Можно пройти по тем главным местам, в которые в другое время не попасть, да и не очень хочется по правде сказать... Ну да. Это то самое место, где среднестатистический житель столицы бывает реже всего, если вообще бывает... Там же. Наверное, у каждого есть свои любимые уголки в городе. Но, даже если еще нет, то в это время их проще всего найти. И неожиданно обнаружить, что исхоженный вдоль и поперек переулок или площадь, становится особенным. Правда, чтобы это прочувствовать, надо встать пораньше... Манежная площадь и начало Тверской. Васильевский спуск и Москворецкий мост. Час-полтора и улицы начинают наполняться людьми, децибеллы постепенно нарастают, и атмосфера уходит. Можно ехать завтракать в какое-нибудь очень симпатичное место и домой - поспать пару часиков... Лужков мост.

Алексей Аврамчик. Интервью.

(English will be a bit later) У нас нет понятия "неформат", зато есть: "новая рубрика". В ней будут интервью с фотографами-любителями. Фоторабот будет меньше, чем в выставочной категории , зато текста и смыслов, которые с его помощью можно донести,  - в разы больше. Ну и те, кто читать не любят, увидев соответствующую метку типа "многабукав", смогут с лёгкой душой промотать ))