В цикле "Энтузиасты фотографии со всего света" . Вторая онлайн фотовыставка. Adzley Eusoft (Малайзия)
Продолжаем знакомиться с неизвестными и малоизвестными именами в любительской фотографии. Теперь уже можно сказать, что это очередная онлайн фотовыставка. )) Продлится с 28 марта по 4 апреля 2013 года.
Adzley Eusoft. Он из Малайзии. К сожалению, не сообщил никакой личной информации. Отнесем это к врожденной скромности. В его работах очень много птиц, цветов, симпатичных уголков Малайзийской природы. В настоящей экспозиции вы этого ничего (почти) не увидите, ))) потому что я их не включил. Простите великодушно, зайдите на сайт автора (контакты внизу) и сами посмотрите, чтобы не быть заложниками моих вкусовых предпочтений. ))
Я же хочу вам предложить посмотреть работы, которые мне показались претендующими на некое обобщение авторского взгляда.
Continue introducing you the most creative from absolutely unknown and little known names in amateur photography. Now we could already say that this one exhibition is regular online photo exhibition. J It will take place from March 28 till April 4, 2013.
Adzley Eusoft. Hi is from Malaysia. Unfortunately he did not provide any personal information. Lets assume it because of natural modesty. His works contains a lot of birds, flowers, and different nice places of home Malaysian nature. You will see (allmost) nothing of it at this exposition. J Because I haven't included it. Please forgive me patiently - you can come to the author's site (contacts are at the bottom) in order not to be imprisoned by my taste preferences. J
I would like to show those photography works that in my opinion pretend to be a kind of generalisation of the authors view.
From black and white set "Harimau Malaya Afif "Fakri 13" / Из черно-белой серии "Harimau Malaya Afif "Fakri 13"
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No Football, Go For Chickenball 05/02/2013 |
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Bicycle Kick! 05/02/2013 |
From the blog post "Fishing: Hook Up The Lure" / Из поста "Рыбалка:
насаживаем приманку"
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Be careful, do not cut your finger! 04/02/2013 |
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Where is the light?-2 13/01/2013 |
Вот за следующие две - отдельное спасибо - как же надоели все эти золотые сечения, даёшь симметрию! ))
I have a special thanks for the next two as I am really tired of all these 'golden sections' - viva la simmetria! J
I have a special thanks for the next two as I am really tired of all these 'golden sections' - viva la simmetria! J
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From the set "Kuala Dungun Beach: Good Morning" 27/01/2013 |
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Kuala Dungun Beach: The Waves Breaker 13/01/2013 |
Следующая карточка остро ставит вопрос: почему я до сих пор не побывал в Малайзии? /
The next photo raises the question: why I still have not been to Malaysia?
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Batu Ferringhi Beach: Sunset View Dinner 27/02/2013 |
Ну и довольно неожиданная. Здесь ХДР и довольно мягкая обработка - забавно смотрится.
Эх я бы конечно сделал пожёстче - надеюсь, Хонда не в обиде ))
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Where Are My Car's Tires? 22/02/2013 |
Блог автора / Authors personal blog
Пожалуйста заходите, он будет рад / He'll be glad to welcome you.
And here is the long awaited update with a bief personal info of the author (without any changes: my questions and his answers)
- Age, profession/main employment?
31 years old. I was an engineer and currently just start my own business.
- Where are you from and where do you live now (country, city)?
I was born in Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia and just moved back there :)
- How did you start your photography activity?
I've started to learn basic photography in 2005 with Nikon FM-10 but had to stop due to financial constraint. Thus from 2006~2011 i just use cheap-used point-and-shot camera
for my photography activity :) In late 2011, I've got my self the Nikon D5100, 18-55mm, 50mm and 55-300mm to restart my photography interest. I've joined several photography
forum to re-learn the basic things such as framing, focusing, metering, M-A-S-P mode characteristic, post processing, etc and still learning to improve.
- What does photography mean for you and what part of your life take?
From my point of view, photography is a part of the ways how i appreciate precious moment in my worlds life. It's also how i learn to know myself and my Creator :)
- Did photography influenced on your profession or carrier?
Yes, my previous profession involved deeply in photography as i need to take photo as an evidence :)
- And what are your favorite objects to shoot?
I love to shoot birds and landscapes :) Hopefully, one day i can get myself the Nikkor 500mm f4 and Nikkor 10-24mm lenses.
Фотографии опубликованы с согласия автора. Все права принадлежат Adzley Eusoft (c).
Photos are published with permission of the author. All rights reserved Adzley Eusoft (c).
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